

We provide independent eco-analytical and ecobiological research, technical expertise and industrial laboratory control.

We cooperate with the country's leading scientific centers and independent qualified experts in various fields, as well as with environmental consulting companies and companies that provide support to enterprises in the field of environmental safety.

This allows us to ensure high quality research and measurements, provide comprehensive services and increase customer satisfaction.



  • Laboratory tests
    Air analysis

    Our laboratory is certified to test a wide range of air pollutants. The measuring equipment is regularly checked and certified. Measurements are carried out in accordance with applicable standards and using measurement methods approved by law.

    • Measurement of pollutants in the ambient air of the work area
    • Measurement of pollutants in the air of residential buildings
    • Measurement of pollutants in residential air
    • Measurement of pollutants in the air of the sanitary protection zone
    • Measurement of air pollutants in emissions from organized stationary sources
    • Measurement of air pollutants in emissions from mobile sources
  • Laboratory tests
    Soil analysis

    Soil pollution causes a chain reaction: it affects soil biodiversity, reduces soil organic matter and its filtering capacity. The most common soil pollutants include heavy metals, persistent organic pollutants, and emerging pollutants such as pharmaceuticals and personal care products.

    • macronutrient composition
    • trace element composition
    • agrochemical analysis of the soil
    • heavy metals
    • organic substances
    • particle size distribution
  • Laboratory tests
    Water analysis

    Pathogens enter water bodies with domestic and industrial wastewater without prior treatment and disinfection. Groundwater is contaminated when wastewater seeps into groundwater. Water contamination in the water supply network is also possible in the event of various accidents.

    Laboratory studies of chemical indicators of water quality:

    • drinking water (tap, packaged, spring)
    • surface water
    • underground water
    • waste water

Noise load

We offer:
  • Measurement
    noise load
  • Measurement
    vibration load
  • Measurement
    infrasound load
Noise analysis

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