Strategic environmental assessment



Strategic environmental assessment of state planning documents makes it possible to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the possible environmental impact of planned activities and to prevent or mitigate possible negative environmental consequences.

Strategic environmental assessment is an effective tool for implementing environmental policy based on a simple principle: it is easier to prevent negative environmental impacts at the planning stage than to identify and correct them at the stage of implementing strategic initiatives.

Environmental assessment
  • Terms

    State trials of drugs with a new active substance are conducted for two full growing seasons, however, if the drug contains an active substance that is part of an already registered drug for the same purpose and for the same crop group, the period of state trials may be reduced to one full growing season.

    State trials of preparations for closed ground, fumigation of warehouses and grain stocks, control of rodents and household insects are conducted for up to one year.

  • Results

    Recommendations for registration of a drug due to its biological efficacy are provided in the form of a report on the results of state trials approved by the Scientific Council.

  • Legislation

    The Law of Ukraine "On Strategic Environmental Assessment" came into force on October 12, 2018. The prerequisite for the implementation of the Law was the signing of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement and the adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On Environmental Impact Assessment" (EIA).


LABORATORY OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH provides scientific consulting and biological assessment:

  • Insecticides and acaricides
  • Herbicides
  • Fungicides
  • Fertilizers, micronutrient fertilizers, plant growth regulators
  • Biological products
  • Rodenticides
  • Fumigants
Biological tests
  • Biological evaluation of insecticides and acaricides

    Insecticides/acaricides are chemicals used to protect plants from harmful insects and mites.

    The following indicators are taken into account to determine the effectiveness of insecticides:

    • reduction in the number of pests, %
    • pest density before treatment, units/m2, units/plant
    • pest density after treatment, units/m2, units/plant
  • Biological evaluation of herbicides and acaricides

    Herbicides are chemicals (or their compositions) used to control undesirable vegetation.

    The biological evaluation of herbicides takes into account:

    • weed density, pcs./m2
    • weed weight, g/m2
  • Biological evaluation of fungicides

    Fungicides are chemical compounds used to kill or inhibit the growth of fungi and their spores.

    The biological effectiveness of fungicides is evaluated by:

    • disease development, %
    • disease prevalence, %
  • Biological assessment of fertilizers, micronutrient fertilizers, plant growth regulators

    Fertilizers are organic and inorganic substances used to improve the nutritional conditions of cultivated plants in order to increase yields and improve their quality.

    Microfertilizers are fertilizers containing trace elements, substances consumed by plants in small quantities.

    Plant growth regulators are natural or synthetic compounds that actively regulate the physiological and morphogenetic programs of plant growth and development.

    To determine the effectiveness of fertilizers, micronutrient fertilizers and plant growth regulators, the following parameters are noted:

    • phenological indicators
  • Biological evaluation of biological products

    Biological products are preparations based on microorganisms (bacteria, micromycetes, viruses) and their metabolic products that can have protective, fertilizing or growth regulating effects on plants.

    To assess the effectiveness of biological products, depending on their purpose, the following indicators should be taken into account:

    • reduction in the number of pests, %
    • pest density before treatment, units/m2, units/plant
    • pest density after treatment, units/m2, units/plant
    • development of the disease, %
    • disease prevalence, %
    • phenological indicators
  • Biological evaluation of fumigants

    Fumigants are pesticides, chemicals that penetrate the body of insects and animals through the respiratory tract in the form of gas.

    The effectiveness of fumigants is determined by the ratio of indicators:

    • % mortality of insects and ticks placed in an isolation cage in the room that was fumigated
    • mortality of insects and ticks placed in the isolation cage in the room that was not subjected to fumigation (control)
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We provide independent eco-analytical and ecobiological research, technical expertise and industrial laboratory control.

We cooperate with the country's leading scientific centers and independent qualified experts in various fields, as well as with environmental consulting companies and companies that provide support to enterprises in the field of environmental safety.

Environmental tests
  • Soil microorganisms

    The environmental hazard of pesticides and agrochemicals on soil microorganisms is assessed by indicators:

    • the number of microorganisms of the main ecological and trophic groups, thousand CFU/g ASG, million CFU/g ASG, % of fouling clumps
    • microbial biomass, μg C/a of soil
    • respiration of soil microbiota, mg CO2/g soil
  • Earthworms

    Earthworms Eisenia foetida foetida The environmental hazard is assessed by the acute toxicity index, which is determined within 14 days and is expressed as in the value of the average lethal dose (LD50) in mg/kg of dry substrate.

  • Daphne

    The environmental hazard is determined by assessing the acute immobilization of daphnia, which is recorded within two days from the moment of the experiment and is expressed by the average lethal dose (LD50) in mg/dm3.

  • Guppi fish

    The environmental hazard is determined by the acute toxicity index, which is determined within 96 hours and is expressed as the average lethal dose (LD50) in mg/dm3.

  • Bees

    The environmental hazard is determined by acute oral and acute contact toxicity, which is determined within 48 hours (in some cases - up to 96 hours) and is expressed as the average lethal dose (LD50) in μg of the test substance per 1 bee.

  • Birds

    The environmental hazard is determined by the acute oral toxicity index, which is determined within 14 days and is expressed as the average lethal dose (LD50) in mg per 1 kg of body weight.

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